Password for the Wi-Fi network you're connected to

To see the password for the Wi-Fi network you're currently connected to, you can use the following methods depending on your device and its operating system:

For Windows:

  1. Open Network Settings: Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  2. Network & Internet Settings: Click on Network & Internet settings.
  3. Wi-Fi Settings: Click on Wi-Fi on the left sidebar.
  4. Network Status: Click on Change adapter options.
  5. View Connection Status: Right-click on the Wi-Fi network you're connected to and select Status.
  6. Wireless Properties: Click on the Wireless Properties button.
  7. Show Password: Go to the Security tab and check the box next to Show characters.

For Mac:

  1. Keychain Access: Go to Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access.
  2. Search for Network Name: Use the search bar in Keychain Access to find the name of your Wi-Fi network.
  3. Show Password: Double-click on the Wi-Fi network name in the search results, then check the box next to Show password.

For Linux:

  1. Terminal: Open the terminal (you can search for it in the applications menu or use CTRL + ALT + T).
  2. Command: Type sudo grep psk= /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* and press ENTER.
  3. Authenticate: Enter your administrative password when prompted.
  4. Find Your Network: Look for the name of your Wi-Fi network in the output; the password will be displayed next to it.

For iPhone:

  1. Settings: Open the Settings app.
  2. Wi-Fi Settings: Tap on Wi-Fi.
  3. Network Name: Tap the i icon next to the Wi-Fi network you're connected to.
  4. Show Password: Toggle on Show Password or tap on the "password mask". You might need to authenticate with Face ID, Touch ID, or your passcode.

For Android:

  1. Settings: Open the Settings app.
  2. Network & Internet: Tap on Network & Internet or Connections.
  3. Wi-Fi Settings: Tap on Wi-Fi and select your connected network.
  4. Network Info: Tap on Share or the network name, then choose QR code or Manage network settings.
  5. Show Password: Look for an option to show the Wi-Fi password. It might be named Show password or Manage network settings.

Keep in mind that if your phone or computer requires a passcode or administrative password to view the Wi-Fi password, you'll need to enter that information to access it.

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